NHS Verification Requirements

To protect the NHS and its staff, we are only sending NHS items to people who can prove they currently work for the NHS. That’s why you won’t find our NHS Items on eBay or Amazon.

During checkout, you will be required to enter your NHS email address or provide your NHS issued ID Card if you attempt to purchase an NHS item.

Email Verification

We have implemented an automated verification process for email verification.

After ordering, our automated verification system will send an email to your NHS email account. The email will contain a link that you can click to verify your order.
We encourage customers to contact us if they have not received their verification email one hour after payment confirmation.

Please ensure you provide a personal email address in the ‘Personal Email’ field for all order-related communication. NHS email addresses should only be entered in the ‘NHS Email’ field for verification purposes.

We are aware that some trusts block this link. Because of this, we also include a passphrase in the email. You can contact us with this passphrase and your order number to verify your order.

ID Verification

If you do not have access to an NHS email account, you can upload your NHS Issued ID Card, which we will manually review.
** Blue Light Cards, University Student Cards, Private Company Cards or similar will be rejected **
We will delete the image of your NHS ID from our website after we confirm your order. You can cover your photo if you wish.

If you upload your NHS ID, please enter “NHS ID” in the “NHS Email Address” field.

You should use a recent photo of your ID. Images older than 30 days may be rejected.

Delivery to NHS Premises

Orders being sent directly to NHS premises (NHS Hospital, Doctors Surgery, etc.) do not require verification via Email or ID.
You will be able to tick a box indicating that your order is being sent to NHS premises which we will manually verify.

This process can take longer than the email and ID verification methods.

If you are unable to / refuse to verify your active service in the NHS, we will request you cancel the order in-line with our terms and conditions.
You can cancel your unverified NHS order via our NHS Unverified Cancellation Form.